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Weddings are our guilty pleasure

Let's get more information on your big day!

First, take a look at what we offer…


Full In-House Services

We do it all! From decorating, catering, bar service, checkins, whatever you need, we'll do our absolute best to make your day flow smoothly

Complimentary Kitchen Rental

If you choose to hire one of our preferred caterers, the kitchen rental is on the house. We have a list of professionals we trust to care for our space and equipment.

Private Bar Service

If you would like to offer bar services, whether an open bar (free for guests) or guests pay, we can accommodate.

In-House Catering

We offer delicious options for your wedding guests and are equipped to provide full service, family style, or buffet style.


If you need access prior to the event for decorating or if you prefer we handle the decorating, we have a plan for that!

Audio/Visual Equipment

Our acoustics are among the best in the city. We can't take credit for the design of the room but we do have professional equipment and take our sound seriously.